Who is Livvi?

My Journey with Singing

I always had the bug to sing and entertain since I was a child. But I was ‘sensible’. I logically worked out that everyone wants to be a performer. I heard the odds of getting anywhere with it were tiny. So there was no way I was going to admit that I had this passion. Too embarrassing! 

I never auditioned for school musicals. My parents didn’t know I was secretly singing into hairbrushes behind my closed bedroom door.

It wasn’t until getting dumped by some guy after leaving school, that I was in a slump and knew I had to ‘get a life’ and move on. So, with the encouragement of my mum who had sprung me singing and was shocked at my secret ability, I joined a band in the local Portuguese community as a lead singer. 

I remember, before my first ever performance, being asked, ‘Are you nervous?’. 

Strangely enough, the girl who had been too shy all her life to admit she wanted to sing, wasn’t nervous about going on stage.

It was long overdue. I was home.

I feel like my life began when I finally started listening to my heart.

That was the beginning of my singing career.

I’d love to be able to encourage children not to waste so much time. To go ahead and pursue their passions.

And I’d also encourage people of any age to do the same. Start now. Live.

PS If you’d like to see and hear my ‘grown up’ singing, click here.

Jolly Joeys Children’s Music 

When my son was born, I discovered this world of children’s activities. In the form of music classes for children in child care centres or mums and bubs classes.

I was so excited to have found an avenue for my passion, creativity and musicality. I wanted in! I wanted this to be my career.

I couldn’t find available jobs, so I created my own!

So the business Jolly Joeys was born.

Jolly Joeys has two meanings.

Jolly Joey is baby kangaroo. A puppet character that children who experience my classes know and love.

It also means Jolly (as in ‘happy’) Joeys (as in ‘children’).

So it means ‘Happy Children’. And that’s what we all want our children to be, isn’t it?

Since releasing my own album of music, it didn’t feel right to release it under the name ‘Jolly Joeys’.

Jolly Joey is the name of the classes I run and of a puppet character, but the album is by me.

It felt like time to re-brand. And to use my own name. Livvi.

If you’ve landed on this page because you are interested in music classes, click here.

Day Job

Being a creative person, who has learned how to play with social media, websites, email marketing, podcast editing, graphics and other handy admin skills, I now work as a Virtual Assistant specialising in admin support for creatives.

I’m lucky enough to be working for people whose work I am deeply excited about, which brings out my best work.

My clients include:

  • Tina & Mark Harris – Lah Lah’s Big Live Band
  • Carlie Maree – Mentor for the MAD ones 🙂
  • Sarah Morrissey – Little Rockers Radio
  • Mitle Southey – Circle Holder and Intuitive Guide
  • Debbie Doo – Children’s Entertainer and You Tube Queen

And more coming on board very soon! 🙂

I am truly so excited to work with these people.

To find out more about my VA work, click here


Get in Touch

5 + 3 =

Telephone Enquiries

 0419 36 84 85